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based on tradition 意味

"based on tradition"の例文


  • 《be ~》伝説に基づく
  • based     {形-1} : 底のある、基底付きの、基地{きち}のある
  • tradition     tradition n. (1) 伝説, 言い伝え, 口碑. 【動詞+】 hand a tradition down from mother to
  • based on     based on に基づいて にもとづいて 準拠 じゅんきょ
  • based upon tradition    
  • by tradition    伝統的{でんとうてき}に、慣習的{かんしゅうてき}に
  • in the tradition of    ~に似た、~を思い出させる、~の伝説{でんせつ}を受け継いで
  • tradition    tradition n. (1) 伝説, 言い伝え, 口碑. 【動詞+】 hand a tradition down from mother to daughter ある言い伝えを母から娘へ引き継ぐ The villages have a tradition that…. その村々には…という伝説がある This is a tradition worth p
  • (catholic) tradition    (Catholic) tradition 聖伝 せいでん
  • accepted as a tradition    《be ~》伝統的{でんとうてき}なものとして認められている
  • according to tradition    伝説によれば
  • acknowledge tradition    伝統{でんとう}を踏まえる
  • adhere to tradition    伝統{でんとう}にこだわる
  • against tradition    《be ~》伝統{でんとう}に逆らう
  • ancient tradition    昔からの言い伝え、古代{こだい}からの伝統{でんとう}(習慣{しゅうかん})
  • break a tradition    伝統を破る、型を破る


  • daoxuan , who later played an active role in the period of the tang dynasty of china , wrote " shibunritsu gyojisho " (the " ceremonies " section of the four-fold vinaya ) based on tradition handed down from india and therein discussed nursing the sick and seeing him or her through to the end .
  • there is a tumulus where yamatohime no mikoto is said to buried in yamato town , ise city , and based on tradition , it was designated a reference site (a term used for tombs believed to be of imperial family members but whose contents are unverifiable ) by the imperial household ministry in october 1928 , and it is now maintained and managed as ujiyamada mausoleum reference site by the imperial household agency .
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