tradition tradition n. (1) 伝説, 言い伝え, 口碑. 【動詞+】 hand a tradition down from mother to daughter ある言い伝えを母から娘へ引き継ぐ The villages have a tradition that…. その村々には…という伝説がある This is a tradition worth p
daoxuan , who later played an active role in the period of the tang dynasty of china , wrote " shibunritsu gyojisho " (the " ceremonies " section of the four-fold vinaya ) based on tradition handed down from india and therein discussed nursing the sick and seeing him or her through to the end . 後に中国の唐代に活躍した道宣は、インド以来の伝承に基づいて『四分律行事鈔』を選述し、その中で胆病送終(病人を看病し、その最期を見届けること)について論じた。
there is a tumulus where yamatohime no mikoto is said to buried in yamato town , ise city , and based on tradition , it was designated a reference site (a term used for tombs believed to be of imperial family members but whose contents are unverifiable ) by the imperial household ministry in october 1928 , and it is now maintained and managed as ujiyamada mausoleum reference site by the imperial household agency . 伊勢市倭町に倭姫命を埋葬したと伝えられる古墳があり、伝承に基づき、1928年10月宮内省より陵墓参考地に指定、現在宮内庁により宇治山田陵墓参考地として整備、管理されている。